sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2016

Rendendo-me a mim mesmo e superando o medo

To stop feeding our fears we must let go of what we think is good and what we think is bad, and realize that our attitude shapes our experience. So our attitude shapes and governs what we are afraid of.

Look back only to see how far you've come.

When you're afraid in your mind you're afraid in your body.

What is it that I want? Because we've to remind ourselves that nobody can give us what we don't already have. You have to become whole first before you find another whole.

Nobody should be lifting us from the ground.

Surrendering to who you are. When someone loves you for who you are then you see it's authentic.

Sometimes there's nothing wrong with the another person, sometimes it's you. They're mirroerring back something you need to deal with.

I realize a secret: no one can reject you: we reject ourselves. It all begin with self-love to deal with rejection. Healing ouselves comes from within.

There are plenty of fish in the sea. So in dealing with rejection we have to put eveything in perspective. Don't say I got rejected, say "I'm not compatible with that person.

Everyday is a new oportunity to connect with an amazing spirit. You start getting love the moment you start giving it. Don't let anybody take away your own self value, your own worth.

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